Banquette, Sofa, Bench
28 May 24

Sofa Bench for Parc Komo

Interior designers have to become ingenious when designing for small non squarish layout homes in Singapore. For this longish living room at a condominium in the East side of Singapore, Ebenezer of Myn Myn Studio commissioned us to work on a big sized sitting space that can double up as a dining and living solution.

Myn Myn sent this Sketch up for us to assess and to get a quote for

We explored ways to make this as budget friendly as possible. A bench frame was favoured as the sitting area will be against the wall and we can have the wall as back support. We didn't need to make a full sofa frame.

After a site measurement, we proposed these dimensions to fully maximise the living and dining space
The sofa bench was made at the same height as the dining chairs
We also made decorative cushions to give the sofa bench more texture
The result!